4,993 research outputs found

    Branched Polymers on the Given-Mandelbrot family of fractals

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    We study the average number A_n per site of the number of different configurations of a branched polymer of n bonds on the Given-Mandelbrot family of fractals using exact real-space renormalization. Different members of the family are characterized by an integer parameter b, b > 1. The fractal dimension varies from log23 log_{_2} 3 to 2 as b is varied from 2 to infinity. We find that for all b > 2, A_n varies as λnexp(bnψ) \lambda^n exp(b n ^{\psi}), where λ\lambda and bb are some constants, and 0<ψ<1 0 < \psi <1. We determine the exponent ψ\psi, and the size exponent ν\nu (average diameter of polymer varies as nνn^\nu), exactly for all b > 2. This generalizes the earlier results of Knezevic and Vannimenus for b = 3 [Phys. Rev {\bf B 35} (1987) 4988].Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Effect of Noise on Patterns Formed by Growing Sandpiles

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    We consider patterns generated by adding large number of sand grains at a single site in an abelian sandpile model with a periodic initial configuration, and relaxing. The patterns show proportionate growth. We study the robustness of these patterns against different types of noise, \textit{viz.}, randomness in the point of addition, disorder in the initial periodic configuration, and disorder in the connectivity of the underlying lattice. We find that the patterns show a varying degree of robustness to addition of a small amount of noise in each case. However, introducing stochasticity in the toppling rules seems to destroy the asymptotic patterns completely, even for a weak noise. We also discuss a variational formulation of the pattern selection problem in growing abelian sandpiles.Comment: 15 pages,16 figure

    Continuously varying exponents in a sandpile model with dissipation near surface

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    We consider the directed Abelian sandpile model in the presence of sink sites whose density f_t at depth t below the top surface varies as c~1/t^chi. For chi>1 the disorder is irrelevant. For chi<1, it is relevant and the model is no longer critical for any nonzero c. For chi=1 the exponents of the avalanche distributions depend continuously on the amplitude c of the disorder. We calculate this dependence exactly, and verify the results with simulations.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in J. Stat. Phy

    Fractal Dimension of Backbone of Eden Trees

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    We relate the fractal dimension of the backbone, and the spectral dimension of Eden trees to the dynamical exponent z. In two dimensions, it gives fractal dimension of backbone equal to 4/3 and spectral dimension of trees equal to 5/4. In three dimensions, it provides us a new way to estimate z numerically. We get z=1.617 +/- 0.004.Comment: 6 pages, Latex, and 4 postscript figures, uuencoded. Minor typographical errors, and problems with postscript files fixe

    Inverse Avalanches On Abelian Sandpiles

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    A simple and computationally efficient way of finding inverse avalanches for Abelian sandpiles, called the inverse particle addition operator, is presented. In addition, the method is shown to be optimal in the sense that it requires the minimum amount of computation among methods of the same kind. The method is also conceptually nice because avalanche and inverse avalanche are placed in the same footing.Comment: 5 pages with no figure IASSNS-HEP-94/7

    Probability distribution of residence times of grains in models of ricepiles

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    We study the probability distribution of residence time of a grain at a site, and its total residence time inside a pile, in different ricepile models. The tails of these distributions are dominated by the grains that get deeply buried in the pile. We show that, for a pile of size LL, the probabilities that the residence time at a site or the total residence time is greater than tt, both decay as 1/t(lnt)x1/t(\ln t)^x for Lωtexp(Lγ)L^{\omega} \ll t \ll \exp(L^{\gamma}) where γ\gamma is an exponent 1 \ge 1, and values of xx and ω\omega in the two cases are different. In the Oslo ricepile model we find that the probability that the residence time TiT_i at a site ii being greater than or equal to tt, is a non-monotonic function of LL for a fixed tt and does not obey simple scaling. For model in dd dimensions, we show that the probability of minimum slope configuration in the steady state, for large LL, varies as exp(κLd+2)\exp(-\kappa L^{d+2}) where κ\kappa is a constant, and hence γ=d+2 \gamma = d+2.Comment: 13 pages, 23 figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Quasiadiabatic dynamics of ultracold bosonic atoms in a one-dimensional optical superlattice

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    We study the quasiadiabatic dynamics of a one-dimensional system of ultracold bosonic atoms loaded in an optical superlattice. Focusing on a slow linear variation in time of the superlattice potential, the system is driven from a conventional Mott insulator phase to a superlattice-induced Mott insulator, crossing in between a gapless critical superfluid region. Due to the presence of a gapless region, a number of defects depending on the velocity of the quench appear. Our findings suggest a power-law dependence similar to the Kibble-Zurek mechanism for intermediate values of the quench rate. For the temporal ranges of the quench dynamics that we considered, the scaling of defects depends nontrivially on the width of the superfluid region.Comment: 6 Pages, 4 Figure

    Drift and trapping in biased diffusion on disordered lattices

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    We reexamine the theory of transition from drift to no-drift in biased diffusion on percolation networks. We argue that for the bias field B equal to the critical value B_c, the average velocity at large times t decreases to zero as 1/log(t). For B < B_c, the time required to reach the steady-state velocity diverges as exp(const/|B_c-B|). We propose an extrapolation form that describes the behavior of average velocity as a function of time at intermediate time scales. This form is found to have a very good agreement with the results of extensive Monte Carlo simulations on a 3-dimensional site-percolation network and moderate bias.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, 3 figures, To appear in International Journal of Modern Physics C, vol.